Field Reports
Keep a record of everything that happens on your job site with easy to use field reporting tools.
Every detail is tracked in
Track daily project information such as equipment, manpower, and weather while you are out in the field or back in the office. Add progress photos, safety violations, daily project bulletins, and more to memorialize every event on your projects.
Detailed information
There is no limit to the amount of detail you can include in each field report entry. Fill out text fields, table fields, date fields, and more to keep everything organized.
Activity tracking
Every update on every field report is tracked in the activity panel of each entry. You always have a clear understanding of who made each change and when they did so.
Upload photos
Take pictures from the field and they automatically upload to your field report. All photos are also organized in a general photos area making them easy to find later.
Other attachments
Upload attachments on your field reports providing extra detail about the day. Drag and drop helpful PDFs, spreadsheets, office documents, and more.
Clone to the next day
Information from one day can be cloned to the next day and edited to make it easier to track similar data. Update manpower, equipment, and weather all in one go.
Customized to your job
Add custom fields to your field reports to ensure every important detail is tracked on your project. Drag and drop to reorder fields and add security permissions.
Collaborative comments
Share field reports with other users and engage them using @ comments. Scroll through the comments section to understand the full picture of the day.
Reference links
Users can reference other form types such as inspections, RFIs, submittals, potential change orders, and more creating links that help keep everything in one spot.
Resources related to field reporting

Alpha Corporation
"We started using in late 2016 for a high-profile project between NIH and Walter Reed Naval Medical Center. Now we have about 16,000 entries in the system including 2,000+ daily reports and 20,000 attachments and photos."

The importance of collaboration on construction projects
Collaboration on construction projects comes down to the constant communication and document sharing of items like RFIs, submittals, drawings, inspections, punch list items, and more. Good collaboration can correct flaws that reduce delays and change orders on projects.

3 misguided reasons companies don't digitize their projects
For many years, the construction industry was slow to adopt technology. These days, it's harder to find organizations that don't have at least some software applications in place to help them manage their projects, but we still run into a few.